Back to School - 2019 Outfit ideas

Wow! I cannot believe how quickly summer break begins and ends! Here in Arizona, most schools have year round school, which means shorter summer breaks, but more breaks overall throughout the year. Summer break usually begins late May and ends late July. So…. Although summer just started for most, Arizona children are preparing to head back within the next couple of weeks. As I frequent local stores, I can already see school supplies being added to the front shelves. This is such an exciting time of year, however, It can be scary for some children as well. Most adults get butterflies on the first day of doing something new. However, for kids, everything is new, new teachers, classrooms, sometimes schools and friends. 

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Either way, the best way to make sure your son or daughter has the best first day is to be prepared. Make sure to double check they have everything on their school supply list. But don’t stress. Most items listed are recommend for classroom use, but not necessary. Remember not to spend too much on expensive items as most teachers take everything and share with the classroom.

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And my favorite part! Pick out that special first day of school outfit. Grab something that will make them feel great about their first day. For girls, sparkles always works. But go above and beyond with some of our tees! Make a great first statement. Let your child be proud about their grade and you can even get them a personalized shirt so everyone can get to know them quicker.

Here are some outfit ideas below and some customers rocking their favs!


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